Mag. Dr. Stephan Schulmeister

5.3 Wissen, Ökonomie und Innovation


2005 and 1998: University of New Hampshire, Visiting Scholar
1987/88: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Research Fellow
1983: New York University, Visiting Scholar
1975/76: Johns Hopkins University, Bologna
1972-1974: Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
1968/72: University of Vienna, Economics
1965/70: University of Vienna, Law

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
Dr. jur., Mag. rer.soc. oec. (University of Vienna)

Employment Record
1986-1987: Research Fellow, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
1972-date: Economist, Austrian Institute of Economic Research Other professional activities 1973-date: Consultant to various Austrian government agencies and to the Advisory Council on Social and Economic Policy Member of the Austrian Economic Association and the American Economic

Lecturer at the University of Economics, Vienna, and at the Danube University Krems

Language skills
German: mother tongue
English: excellent
Italien: fluent