Mag. Florian Gruber

WS 2: F&E-Internationalisierungsindikatoren

Florian Gruber is an expert on international S&T development, policy research and the European RTD programmes, as well as STI issues in South and Southeast Asia. Furthermore he has extensive experience in evaluation and monitoring, foresight and dissemination.
At present he is head of department Research Policy and Development at the Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (ZSI) in Vienna, Austria. His work experience among others is project manager for World University Service Austria in Bosnia Herzegovina, leading the Dissemination Work Package for the Southeast European ERA.NET (SEE-ERA.NET), and Work Package leader for analysis in the Southeast Asian INCO-NET (SEA-EU-NET), and Work package leader for evaluation, monitoring and foresight in the Indian ERA.NET (New INDIGO).