Mag. Dr. Erich Griessler
2.1 Anwendungsorientierte Forschung und Verhaltensrichtinien
Erich Griessler studied sociology and history at the University of Vienna (19831990).
He graduated in 1990 as Magister of Philosophy (Thesis: Problems of Controlling Polycentric Societies).
19901992 he worked as scientific collaborator at the University of Vienna.
19921995 he worked on a dissertation scholarship at the Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf, Dept. for Technological Research.
1992/93 he conducted research at the Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, NL.
1995 he took his doctor's degree (Dissertation: Technology Foresight as Organizational Innovation in Public Administration. A Comparison
between Austria and the Netherlands).
19951999 he worked as junior researcher at the Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute for Medicine and Health Sociology.
Since 1999 he works as researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies
in Vienna. His research interests are in the area of social studies of
science and technology with a focus on the development and regulation
of transplantation, xenotransplantation and stem cell research as well
as participatory efforts in these areas.