Dr. David Holman

WS 1: Qualität von Arbeit und Leben

Dr. David Holman is a senior lecturer with 16 years experience of applied organisational research. His research focuses on job design, employee well-being and emotions in the workplace and human resource management. His research has employed quantitative and qualitative methods, and a variety of methods and analytical approaches such as multi-level and structural equation modelling. David Holman is experienced in working with international and multi-disciplinary research projects. He was lead co-ordinator of the Global Call Center project, a study of human resource management in call centres in 17 countries, and is currently helping to co-ordinate a four-year UK government-funded project entitled Emotion Regulation in Others and Self. David Holman has published widely in international journals including the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology and the British Journal of Industrial Relations. He has also co-edited several books (e.g. Essentials of the New Work Place: A guide to the human impact of modern working practices) and a forthcoming special issue on globalisation in call centres in Industrial and Labor Relations Review).