MMag. Alexander Degelsegger

3.4 Soziale Netzwerkanalyse

Resercher und Projektmanager ZSI, Bereich Forschungspolitik und Entwicklung


Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte:

international cooperation in science & technology, bibliometric analyses of international co-publications, technology and religion, sociology of religion, sociology of innovation, STS, foresight methodology, internationalisation of S&T, S&T and development, Southeast Asia, India, technology assessment, political science


Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang:

  • studies in Political Science and International Development at the Universities of Vienna and Granada/Spain.
  • Junior Associate Scientist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA)
  • 6-month internship at the Policy and Programme Support Unit of the International Organization for Migration's (IOM) Brussels Regional Office
  • internship at the Moroccan Organisation for Human Rights (OMDH) in Rabat
  • tutor at Vienna University's International Development Institute ("Entwicklungstheorien"/"development theory", August Gächter)
  • employee, conscientious objector in civilian service and volunteer at Caritas Linz/Austria (departments of external cooperation, personnel development and mobile services)
  • volunteer (10-month) and volunteer coordinator in Misiones/Argentina
  • several internships in engineering and software enterprises