Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch

Director ZSI

Klaus SCHUCH is expert on research and innovation policies and international S&T developments. He was born 1963 in Vienna. At present he is senior scientist at the ZSI (Centre for Social Innovation) in Vienna, Austria and chief executive officer of the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (fteval). He is lecturing “evaluation” at the University of Vienna as well as “evaluation” and “innovation in the knowledge society” in the post-graduate course “vocational qualification in the social sciences” offered by ZSI together with partners.

Klaus has earned his PhD from the University of Vienna. He was assistant researcher at the Vienna University for Business Administration and Economics (1992-1994), director of the branch office Sofia of the Austrian Institute of East- and Southeast European Studies (1995-1996) and head of the unit for international RTD co-operation (INCO-NCP) at the BIT – Bureau for International Research and Technology Co-operation (1997-2001). In 2001 he joined the Centre for Social Innovation. Klaus is also member of the Commission for Development Research of the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (former Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences).

Among many other assignments, he was scientific expert of the CREST Working Group on internationalisation in science and technology and is member of the expert advisory group of the European Commission on RTDI internationalisation. He is national ERAWATCH correspondent for Austria and advices Austrian agencies and ministries dealing with education, research, innovation and technology. Furthermore, he is involved in many international ERA-NETs and INCO-NETs and has published more than 50 papers and reports.