Mag.a Ilse Marschalek

Researcher ZSI

ilse Marschalek is a sociologist with several years experience in international studies in the 5th, 6th and 7th FP of the EC. Additionally she initiated and coordinated many national studies in the fields of participation, gender and migration. At ZSI she is head of unit of the technology and knowledge department, carrying out a range of projects at the interface between technological and societal innovations. Currently she is involved in the science communication study NANOPINION (communication of nanotechnology) and the virtual science infrastructure in the GLOBALexcursion project.

Research fields: inter- and transdisciplinarity, participatory action research and involvement of non scientific persons into research processes; science communication, technology enhanced learning, participatory evaluation and research processes.

Marschalek, ilse, Handler, K., & Strasser, M. (2011) Communicating nanotechnology to European youth - evaluation results of the NANOYOU project. Plattform Forschung- und Technologieevaluierung, Newsletter Nr 37, 60-70

Unterfrauner, E., Marschalek, i., & Fabian, C. (2011). Experiences with an online mobile learning platform. MedienPädagogik, (19). Retrieved from

Marschalek, i., Fabian, C. M. & Unterfrauner, E. (2010). A Mobile Learning Environment for Young Marginalised People - Example of a Pilot Study. In I. Arnedillo Sánchez & P. Isaias (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2010 (pp. 216-220). Presented at the IADIS, Porto, Portugal.

Marschalek, i., Unterfrauner, E., Fabian, C. M., (2009). Social Inclusion of Young Marginalised People through Online Mobile Communities. Conference proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Mobile Technologies for Social Change (at IMCSIT) pages 367 – 373. ISBN 978-83-60810-22-4, IEEE Catalog Number CFP0964E. Available at:

Marschalek, i., Moser, P., & Strasser, M. (in press). Young people and nanotechnologies. Results of MOTIVATION „Promoting positive images of SET in young people under gender perspective“. Barbara Budrich Publishers.