PD Dr. Peter Biegelbauer

5.1 Innovationen in der Wissensgesellschaft

Peter Biegelbauer is Senior Scientist at the Department Innovation Systems of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna. Previously he was at the Institute for Advanced Studies and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences in Vienna.

He holds a Habilitation from the university of Innsbruck, a Doctorate and a Master in political science from the University of Vienna, Austria, and a Master from MIT, USA. His research work focuses on the fields of research, technology, industry and innovation policy, where he has coordinated several national and international research projects.

He is interested in all phases of the policy life-cycle, from problem definition to policy evaluation and reformulation. For several years he has concentrated on policy evaluation and the possibilities of learning from experience. He is regularly working as an evaluator for a number of national and international social science journals and as a referee for several international and national science funding bodies such as the European Research Council and the European Commission’s DG Research.

He teaches at the Universities of Vienna and Innsbruck on social learning and public policy making, comparative politics and social science methods and has also held courses at the Charles University in Prague, at the Institute for Advanced Studies and the Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna. Since 2010 he has been editor of the Austrian Political Science Journal. In 2013 he has published the book “Wie lernt die Politik - Lernen aus Erfahrung in Politik und Verwaltung“ on learning from experience in politics and administration with VS Springer.