Karin Kohlweg

3.1 Evaluationen

is an expert in research, monitoring and evaluation. Since 2008 she is head of evaluation in the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) managing strategic and program evaluations for the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).  Until now she conducted 15 trainings/workshops for ADA staff, ADC coordination offices, NGOs and for Serbian and Moldovan Government officials.
Karin has a Master’s degree in Social Anthropology of the University Vienna and another one in Economic and Social Studies from the University of Swansea, UK. Since 2014 she is also certified as Adult Education Trainer.
In June 2013 she was elected as Vice-Chair of the OECD DAC Network on Development Evaluation and was a team member of the UNIDO Peer Review. 
From 2001-2006 she worked in the UNICEF Bangladesh Country Office in Dhaka where she established the monitoring and evaluation system for the "Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene and Water Supply in Rural Areas Project" in Bangladesh, the largest UNICEF water, hygiene and sanitation project worldwide at the time funded by DFID, UK.

From 1998-2000 she worked in the UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia in Kathmandu, Nepal where she provided technical assistance for regional thematic evaluations, studies and mid-term reviews. She also prepared conceptual frameworks such as child labor and child trafficking.

Karin also worked two years at the Institute of Sociology and Social Anthropology in Nürnberg, and also conducted lectures in “monitoring and evaluation” at the Centre for Evaluation in Saarbrücken, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology in Vienna and the Institute of Geography in Erlangen.

She prepared several articles and unpublished reports.